In today’s interconnected world, the internet has revolutionized the way we connect with others. From going to people’s homes physically to having video chats while being at home, the mode of communication but what has remained the same is the feelings with which people communicate. Online platforms and social media have given rise to a
In a world that often promotes unrealistic beauty standards, cultivating a healthy body Positivity has become an essential aspect of self-acceptance and overall well-being. As an effect of the prevalent trends on social media which have further been promoted by celebrities, the promotion of beauty standards have become restricted to having the perfect image through
Peer pressure is an inevitable aspect of life, particularly during adolescence and young adulthood. Peers imply classmates, groups of friends, and people of similar age groups. While there is a sense of competitiveness to get better and be better than our peers, being one of them also matters significantly for a person, particularly young people.
Anxiety disorders affect millions of people worldwide, yet they remain widely misunderstood and stigmatized. The stigma around mental health issues often prevents individuals from seeking help and receiving the support they desperately need. Admitting the requirement of help is not only a courageous task but also requires a lot of support from the ones a
In this era of digitization and extreme pressure to be the best and show our best self in every sphere of life, mental health among students has become a dominating topic, especially because of their vulnerable age and highly impressionable minds. In recent years, mental wellness has emerged as a significant concern as it is
Communication is an essential aspect of human interaction. Communication has been one of the strongest ways for people to express their selves in both verbal and non-verbal manner. The power of communication can be underlined by the modes that it has changed over the years from verbal to online mode through chatting and emoji exchange.
Introduction In every relationship, whether it be personal or professional, boundaries play a crucial role in establishing a healthy dynamic. Healthy boundaries are like invisible lines that define where one person ends, and another begins, both in terms of physical and emotional space. They help maintain respect, autonomy, and overall well-being. Without boundaries, relationships can
In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, stress and anxiety have become common experiences for many people. Looking after our mental well-being is crucial to maintain a healthy and balanced life. Self-care plays a vital role in managing and preventing stress and anxiety, allowing us to nurture our mental health and find inner peace. Through self-care,
In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, the workplace is practically the only space where people spend a major time of their days and invest a large amount of energy in ensuring that they are productive and give the best possible output. It can often be a source of significant stress for many individuals. The pressures